Friday, September 7, 2012


So, apparently I keep forgetting about my blog...  I've "created" several recipes since my last post, but unfortunately, I can't remember them at the moment... So, if they come to me, I'll post them... if not... bummer dude!

So, growing up I was always a tom boy... and I HATED having to cook or work in the kitchen.  When dad bought the cows, and we started renting the ranch, I was always the one out helping with the cattle and my sister was always helping in the house...  (I later found out that she didn't appreciate that arrangement very much!)  I LOVED being outside, working with dad... the smells, the sights, the sounds, the feeling of working with my daddy, side-by-side and accomplishing something that needed to be done!  So, I didn't learn a whole lot from my mom in the "domestic" department.  Sure, she taught me to do dishes, vacuum, clean the bathroom, cook basic meals etc., but it wasn't until I was in my late teens that I started paying attention to what she was doing when she was cooking.  Most of what I've learned in the kitchen, I've kinda taught myself.  That's why I have this blog... to share my experiments, successes and failures as I progress on my "Domestic Diva" journey.

Now, like I said, I HATED being in the kitchen as a kid (and I still HATE doing dishes...).  But, the last couple years I have learned to enjoy it, and have actually started canning and preserving food for my family.  Last year was a great experience- late (and I mean LATE) nights canning tomatoes, salsa, spaghetti sauce and fruit with my neighbor down the hill.  We'd get her 3 girls and my daughter down to bed, then I'd head down (usually in the dark!) to finish our canning that we'd started earlier in the day.  While jars were processing in the canner, we'd sit outside and enjoy a glass of wine, or on occasion a shot of Petrone!  It was great!  I got to know an amazing woman, and have some "me" time and provide food for my family all at once.  That's where my "love" of canning and preserving food really began!  (Thanks, Sara!)

So, this year, I've branched out... I've learned and tried new recipes and I'm doing more.  Of course, with the HUGE garden Sara and I planted, how could I NOT experiment and try new recipes!  So, this year I've added applesauce, apple butter, dill pickles, dill pickle relish, pickled beets, dilly beans and this weekend, I'm going to try my friend Heather's zucchini lemon butter recipe!

I love the fact that I am providing food for my family to get us through the winter and some tasty treats for us!  And honestly, I even enjoy the process!  So, I will keep canning, freezing and drying veggies and fruit...  and when I'm done, maybe, just maybe I'll have more time to blog and keep you all updated on this cowgirl mama's kitchen happenings!

So until next time, does anyone know where to find the dish fairy?!  I have a PILE of dishes that need done and my hatred for dishes hasn't changed since I was 8! ;) :)

Enjoy! :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh! It's so good to see a new post from you Rachel! Isn't it funny how you and I have changed as we grew up?! You and all your domestic skills and joys, me wanting to run off all over the country and chase adventures. (And no, I am NOT the dish fairy, though I'll send her your way should I see her!)
