Friday, September 10, 2010

Introduction: Time to raid the cupboards!

So, The last few months have brought many changes to the lives of Aaron and I.  We moved into a new house in March, our first baby was born in April and Aaron started a new job in June!  With that new job, our income was cut into half of what it was.  That has necessitated a change in my cooking- I've had to make do with what's in my pantry and "invent" new recipes!  All I can say is thank goodness for homegrown beef from my parents, and lamb from my sister!

This blog is inspired and created because I am learning to cook supper with ingredients that I have in my pantry. Unfortunately, I have made some yummy dishes in the past, but can't remember them because I forgot to write them down!  This is my way of recording them for myself, but knowing that there are others out there who are on a tight budget as well, I thought I would share my experiments (good and bad!) and how I would change them if necessary!

So, I hope you enjoy the journey as I have, and that you will have the gumption to try it yourself whether you try my recipes or invent your own!


PS Just a simple warning- I don't measure anything.... so pretty much I just guess and put stuff in till it tastes right! ;)

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