I had a package of fettucini noodles in my pantry- but no spaghetti sauce... I love creating new sauces, so I went for it!
I have been getting yummy zucchini at the local farmers market and had some left. I also had a can of diced tomatoes in my pantry. So, I decided to make a tomato zucchini sauce! I sauteed some garlic and minced onion (the dried kind) in some olive oil, then added the zucchini. I used my julienne peeler on the zukes, to get thin strips. I sauteed that for awhile, then added the can of diced toms. I covered it and let it simmer to cook down some of the tomato juices. I can't remember if I put in any seasonings (this was a couple weeks ago...).
While the toms/zukes were cooking, I decided to make a white cream sauce to add with the tomato sauce. I just made a simple white sauce.
Once everything was done cooking, I drained the noodles, and returned them to the pot. I added the tomato/zucchini sauce to the noodles along with a little bit of the starchy cooking water from the noodles that I saved. I tossed that around and added just enough of the white sauce to make it somewhat creamy. I topped it with fresh chopped basil.
This was another wonderful recipe that I don't think I would change anything on...
Hi! I found your blog through diapershops' facebook post. I'm definitely excited to get some ideas on how to cook with what we already have! :)
Myndee- I'm glad you're enjoying my blog! I hope it helps you to save some money, but maybe also some time in the kitchen! I like to make quick meals so that I can spend more time with my husband and our almost 5 month old little girl! Enjoy! :)